How to Learn Reiki: A Beginner’s Guide to Energy Healing
Reiki is energy healing therapy to achieve harmony in the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. Here is a useful guide to teach you all you want to know about how to learn Reiki. Whether you wish to use it on yourself or others, Reiki is available to anyone, including those with little prior experience.
Read in detail about; What is Reiki and How it Work
All these are necessary steps when it comes to learning Reiki and some of them include; Choosing your Reiki teacher, Knowing the Reiki levels, and Practicing Reiki. Here, you can find all the necessary stages to begin practicing Reiki:

Steps to Learn Reiki
- Understand What Reiki Is
- Look for a Certified Reiki Teacher
- Take Reiki Level 1 Training
- Experience a Reiki Attunement
- Practice Self-Healing Daily
- Advance Through Reiki Levels
- Discover Reiki Symbols and Their Applications
But do not forget that Reiki learning is not only about mastering energy but about practicing and being committed every day.
1. Understand What Reiki Is
To begin with, know how Reiki energy healing works. Reiki originated from the Japanese concept of energia, which is the power to bring positive energy into someone’s life to help improve their health. Watch videos, visit forums, read books, or attend a Reiki healing session to learn more about it.
2. Look for a Certified Reiki Teacher
The next step is choosing a teacher for the right Reiki instructions. Find someone with positive feedback, and educational background, and experience. There are many teachers available who can teach Reiki both, physically and virtually, to the learners.
3. Take Reiki Level 1 Training
Choose a Reiki Level 1 course since it is an entry-level course for anybody who wants to learn Reiki. The lessons in this course include how to place the hands and how to direct energy in general.
4. Experience a Reiki Attunement
In addition to learning the history, principles, and effects of Reiki, you are also initiated to Reiki attunement– a process whereby the trainer assist in the opening of chakras to link one with universal energy. It is essential for one to complete this step to become a Reiki practitioner.
5. Practice Self-Healing Daily
During the attunement, be sure to practice self-healing every day in order to enhance your connection to Reiki energy. This is important for the growth of your abilities and understand the process of how energy works.
6. Advance Through Reiki Levels
For more advance practice, level up to Reiki Level 2 where more hand positions and symbols are introduced and Level 3 also called Master level. Each level contributes to the previous one and improves the overall skills you acquire throughout your learning process.
7. Reiki Symbols and Their Application
Also as you progress you will be taught the reiki symbols that boosts up the healing energy and channeling. All these are key resources that can help anyone interested in training to become a Reiki healer.
Other Related Points Concerning Learning Reiki
- Reiki does not need any skills or prior experience, it can be adopted by anyone.
- There are two ways that you can learn Reiki; Online Learning and Offline Learning.
- Routine practice enhances your capacity to develop confidence in practicing healing.
- Most anyone who takes a Reiki course moves up to Reiki master and proceeds to practice giving Reiki sessions to others.
- Reiki has been known to aid in stress and tension reduction, self-esteem issues and the understanding of the self.
- If Reiki has to be practiced professionally, getting certified Reiki for level or more is very important.
- Reiki can be used with other complementary practices such as yoga, meditation and acupuncture for the improvement of an individual’s health.
- Some of the learners prefer taking their time and concentrate in attending Reiki retreats for a better learning.
- As you advance, you will be introduced to ethical issues, which include professionalism and respecting the clients’ physical boundaries.
Learning Reiki is easy and effective way of directing the individual’s attention to the universe’s energy or the energy of healing. Begin with appropriate training, practice regularly, and allow Reiki to change your life. Start your new path today to receive its advantages!
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