22 Reiki Hand Positions: Bridging Traditional Techniques to Modern Healing
Reiki has been developed to become one of today’s conventional and effective healing techniques through traditional customs integrated with Recent developments in philosophy of energy healing. This practice is based on Reiki hand placements that are said to direct the universal life force for healing. No matter whether your objective is to lower stress, cure certain diseases, or find yourself, these hand positions will help you on your way.
Using a variety of sources, this guide offers an extensive analysis of 22 Reiki hand positions and their development from traditional methods to modern ones. By understanding their meanings and applications, you can fully and effectively utilize Reiki in the practice of healing yourself and others.

Hand Positions Fundamentals
In Reiki, the positions of hands are central as they act as the guide to show how the energy will be directed. These positions are applied to particular parts of the body and energy points to help restore order and harmony.
What Are Reiki Hand Positions?
hand positions in Reiki refer to the unique positions of hands adopted during a reiki session used in directing energy. These positions are related to particular parts of the body and they are associated with the Chakras or energy fields. According to these positions, Reiki practitioners should practice them in order to regain the balance between mind, body, and spirit and to heal.
Every hand position is specific, and it can be for easing physical issues like backache, reducing stress and anxiety in such individuals, or enhancing the general well-being of an individual. Though classical techniques indicate placements of hands, new modernizations feature, some measure of versatility and can therefore be adapted accordingly.
The Significance of Hand Positions in Reiki
Reiki originated from the concept that there is an unseen life force energy that runs through our physical body and influences both our health and feelings. Imbalances or blockage in this energy flow can lead to discomfort or disease. The hand positions in Reiki practice are intended to address such blockages and imbalances.
All of these associations are correlated with the certain body part or chakra that represents it, for example, the crown chakra is associated with spirituality, and the root chakra, with grounding. In a typical sense, these hand positions also help in treating and also help to balance the energy flow of the body.
Read in Detail; What is Chakra Balancing and Overview of Types of Chakra
Traditional Reiki Positions of Hands
The traditional position of Reiki hands has been standardized by Chujiro Hayashi who was a direct student of Mikao Usui, the creator of Reiki. These positions give a systematic way of practicing healing since they target major parts of the body.
The traditional hand positions in Reiki involve a systematized plan brought to practice by Mikao Usui who is the Reiki master. These positions concentrate on the head, torso, and back and work on the main energy fields.
1. Top of the Head
Palming the crown chakra can help bring harmony to the energetic body and restore the state of consciousness. This position can facilitate clarity and spiritual energies within an individual.
2. Eyes and Forehead
Placing hands over the eyes and forehead helps in massaging the third eye chakra, which provides an improvement in perception and clarity of mind. It may also relieve headaches and eye soreness.
3. Brain Hemispheres
Touching both sides of the head with hands increases the circulation of blood in the brain and improves its functionality. This position can help prevent neurological problems.
4. Back of the Head
Touching the occipital region of the head can impact the visual cortex and help with vision and the reactions to fear and the fight or flight mode.
5. Sides of the Neck
This position focuses on the throat chakra which helps in speaking and self-expression. It is also useful for the thyroid gland and removes neck tension.
6. Shoulder Blades
Applying pressure to the area between the shoulder blades helps pull off excess stress from the upper back and shoulders.
7. Hands on the Chest
It has the position of the heart chakra, which can help to heal and balance the emotions. Love, compassion, and inner peace can be produced and grow within your self through meditation.
8. Left Side of the Body
Focusing on the left side concerns the feminine side of the body aiming to increase a female’s awareness and mothering tendencies.
9. Right Side of the Body
Targeting the right side helps in activating masculine forces helping one to take actions and accomplish.
10. Lower Abdomen
This position has a stimulating effect on the sacral chakra, which is connected with creativity, sensual desires, and positive feelings.
11. Hand Positions for Kidneys
Massaging the kidneys and requesting the hands to be laid over them aids in purifying the blood and easing fear energies as it is a fear organ in traditional Chinese medicine.
12. Lower Back Area
This position supports the lumbar spine and the sciatic nerve, helps to eliminate lower back pain, and releases energy blockages in the root chakra zone.
13. Hands on the Hips Area
By stimulating the hips, you can free the accumulated emotions and enhance flexibility, which is beneficial for the entire base of the body.
14. Hands on the Knees
This position helps to stabilize energy and help in the knee which is good for people with knee problems.
15. Feet and Ankles
This position proves beneficial for grounding and also enhances the flow of energy through various parts of the body by influencing the feet and the ankle joint.
Each position is to be held for 3-5 minutes in order that energy can penetrate into the body area.
Modern Hand Positions Used in Reiki
When these centers of the hand are lined up, the healing process can be improved. Traditional positions still exist, however, Modern Reiki hand positions are different depending on the client’s condition for instance anxiety or back pain. These flexible techniques ensure that Reiki is not restricted to only those who cannot afford to miss work, but anyone at all. Some Reiki techniques practiced today rely on energy points referred to as chakras in the body system.
16. Crown Chakra Hand Position
Steady hands above the top of the head are good for the crown chakra to promote spirituality and more understanding.
17. Third Eye Chakra Hand Position
Placing hands on the forehead focuses on the third eye chakra, which is useful in matters to do with insight.
18. Throat Chakra Hand Position
Touching the neck region brings harmony to the throat chakra which enhances speaking and expressing oneself.
19. Heart Chakra Hand Position
Putting the hands on the chest seems to activate the heart’s energy center, which rules love and forgiveness.
20. The Hand Position of the Solar Plexus Chakra
Placing hands on the upper abdomen works on the solar plexus chakra which has something to do with power.
21. Sacral Chakra Hand Position
The placement of hands in the lower abdomen plane aligns with the sacral chakra that deals with creativity and sexual energy.
22. Root Chakra Hand Position
Touching the base of the spine activates the root chakra, enabling the distribution of energy and the feeling of security.
Reiki Hand Positions for Self-Healing
Healing of the self is part of the Reiki process. Self-Reiki hand positions help practitioners work on their imbalances in energy using their own hands.
Steps for Self-Healing:
- To begin with, place your arms on the forehead as it helps organize the thoughts.
- Go up to your throat to improve interaction.
- Put your hands on the heart level to promote feelings of love and compassion.
- Finally, it’s recommended to place your hands above your navel to bring yourself back to the present moment.
These positions can be performed on a daily basis to enhance the quality of physical and psychological health.
The Hand Positions for the Reiki Treatment of Others
The best way to handle people is to understand their requirements. In Reiki sessions, hand positions used when treating others are slightly different from those used for self-practice but are adjusted for comfort and accessibility.
Key Areas to Focus:
- Heads and shoulders for relaxation.
- Chest and abdomen for mental and gastric issues.
- Feet and legs to improve their contact with the ground and provide better balance.
It is advised that practitioners should not be harsh or rude to the participants, especially throughout the session.
Different Hand Positions Used in Reiki to Balance Chakras
The chakra hand positions match the seven main energy points of the human body. Such positions make it possible to regulate energy and address all forms of physical and even emotional concerns.
Chakra Hand Positions:
- Crown Chakra: Stretch both hands above the head for spiritual purposes.
- Third Eye Chakra: Hands on the forehead for conscious thoughts.
- Heart Chakra: Touch the chest to create love and aid in the process of healing.
- Root Chakra: Standing with hands on the lower abdomen for connection.
Hand positions in Reiki for Specific Issues
However, Reiki can be given to address particular issues. Below are examples of how hand positions address common issues:
- For Anxiety: Breasts in the chest and belly to concentrate the mind.
- For Sleep: Hands on the head and heart to relax.
- For Headaches: Touch the points that are at the back of the ears and the back of the neck.
- For Fertility: Rub the lower abdomen gently to stimulate the energy flow throughout the body.
Hand Positions for Animals in Reiki Treatment
Like people, animals may experience Reiki treatment. The Reiki hand positions for animals are placed where they contain stress such as the head, back, and paws.
Tips for Treating Animals:
It is recommended to use soft and gentle hand touching especially on sensitive animals such as cats or dogs. Take your time and pay attention to how comfortable they are.
- Dogs: The chest and back rubs for relaxation of stress.
- Cats: Hands near the head and paws to encourage the feeling of comfort.
- Horses: Shaking the shoulders and neck for positive energy.
Printable Reiki Hand Positions and Charts
If you’re new Reiki practitioner, having a hand positions chart Reiki or a Reiki printable guide is very useful. These tools come in the form of visual aids that help during practice while aiming to be accurate.
Benefits of Using a Chart:
- It makes it easier for new practitioners to learn.
- Serves as a temporary guide during the sessions.
Chakra Healing Hand Positions
With the understanding of where these positions are to be put into practice and how they work in relation to the chakra healing system, the practitioner is capable of rebalancing these vital centers of energy.
Benefits of Chakra Healing:
- Improves emotional stability.
- Boosts energy and vitality.
- Enhances spiritual growth.
Advanced Reiki Techniques for Enhanced Energy Flow
These include advanced placements for the cure of such conditions as tinnitus, eczema, and vertigo among others. It is not a basic form of healing whereby the practitioner places their hands in specific areas on the recipient; it also has more intense procedures to increase the frequency of energy circulation.
Techniques such as beaming, scanning, combing, tapping, and swiping are crucial when finding out and determining imbalances in energy. These methods enrich the Reiki practice and give more options for sessions, which then can be more effective or correspond to certain goals. Now let’s take a closer look at these techniques and where they can be applied.
1. What is Beaming: Transferring energy without physical touch
Beaming on the other hand is a Reiki technique in which the practitioner can send Reiki energy to the recipient without touching them. Healers use their hands to transmit energy across a distance to some parts of the body that require healing.
How to Perform Beaming
- Ensure the hands are placed slightly above the recipient’s body or the required area of focus.
- This is done after taking a deep breath and directing your energy and attention towards the target area.
- Imagine the light coming out of both of your hands as if the energy is in a laser beam form.
Benefits of Beaming
- Most appropriate in circumstances where the use of hand is not appropriate.
- Especially for remote or distant body healing.
- Improves the control of energy flow to restricted or risky locations.
2. What is Scanning: Identifying Energy Blockages
During scanning, you touch the recipient lightly with your hands and glide over him or her with the aim of identifying certain energy fields that may need your attention. It is also useful in identifying the exact sectors of the organization that require such special consideration.
How to Perform Scanning
- It may be done by finding a balance where you keep your hands a few inches above the belly of the body.
- Slide your hands from the top of your head, down to your toes, and note the level of heat, tingling, or tightness.
- This is a good time to indicate the places where energy seems stuck or just different.
Benefits of Scanning
- Assists in identifying the nature of physical or emotional pain.
- Helps practitioners to direct healing energies where they are most needed.
- Increases the ability to perceive various energy fields.
3. What is Combing: Clearing Energy Pathways
Combing is a method of cleaning your aura by using sweeping gestures of the hands to clear any negative energy.
How to Perform Combing
- Hold your arms and hands about a foot’s distance away from the recipient’s body.
- To perform the showering technique, the practitioner should utilize wide, circular movements and start from the center of the body toward the periphery of the aura.
- Try to imagine that some sort of energy is being drawn out and separated from the body.
Benefits of Combing
- Eliminates negative energies and brings the body’s energy field back to balance.
- Erases negative energy and transforms the environment into a lighter one.
- Builds up the body in readiness for deeper Reiki healing.
4. What is Tapping: Options for Activating and Stimulating Energy Flow
Tapping involves lightly tapping specific areas of the body to stimulate energy flow and wake up dormant energy centers.
How to Perform Tapping
- It can be done with fingertips and involves lightly rotating the fingers on various energy points or chakras like crowns, hearts,s or solar plexus.
- Tap gently and rhythmically while keeping the eyes fixated on the flow of energy.
- Use pressure to increase or decrease the intensity depending on the comfort of the receiver.
Benefits of Tapping
- Awakening of energy fields, circulation, and boosts movement.
- Assists the process of letting go of tension and repressed emotions from the body.
- It helps to raise energy levels and renew the whole body.
5. What is Swiping: Erasing the Final Negative Energy Imprints
Swiping is one of the exercises applied to clear the negative energy that may be left in the practitioner’s hands after the Reiki session. It consists of making vigorous and definite movements in the outward direction of the body.
How to Perform Swiping
- Put your hands around the region you think has some energy stuck there.
- Swipe down with a strong and confident hand motion while visualizing that all possible negativity is swept away.
- It is advisable to shake your hands after performing each swipe to help get rid of the energy.
Benefits of Swiping
- Removes any remaining energy of negativity within the body and the surrounding aura.
- Brings the recipient back to earth so that he or she feels grounded after a session.
- Works hand in hand with other Reiki procedures since it completes the purification process.
When to Use These Techniques
It is necessary to mention that it is possible to apply these techniques alone, and it is possible to use them in combination with the more common hand positions for the healing process. For example:
- It is advisable to start with a scan to know the areas that must be cleared.
- To clear the aura, combing must be used.
- Use beaming to all places that would need more power.
- Swipe to the ground and cleanse should be the final step in the process.
Individual Needs-Based Approach
It is essential to understand that every single recipient has a personal energy system that should be addressed differently. They change the techniques depending on what they feel, for instance, tapping for energy or beaming for distant healing.
Why Healing Hand Positions Matter
In their daily practice, energy-healing hand positions are quite powerful in producing changes and improvements. They not only have positive impacts to your physic but also on your emotions and of course, your spirit.
Those who are beginners should begin with the fundamental Reiki hand placements and slowly add on the more complex moves.
Finally, do not forget that Reiki is a process of mastering, and the more you use Reiki, the better understanding you will have about it.
These 22 hand positions for Reiki are the key that helps to switch from the traditional methods of healing and take advantage of the spiritual and highly modern technology approaches.
Regardless of whether you’re balancing self-Reiki hand positions, helping others, or using chakra-based strategies, all of these techniques can make a significant difference in one’s health.
Approach this process mindfully and open yourself up to the transformative powers of Reiki in the lives of yourself and others. For further help, study Reiki hand position charts continue your learning process, and welcome this wonderful world of healing.
Helpful Resources Related to this Guide;
- 7 Chakra Colors, their Meanings, and Locations
- How to Become a Certified Reiki Master
- How to Learn Reiki at Home
- How to See Your Aura
- Reiki Practitioner Cleansing Tips
- What Happens in Reiki Treatment
- How Reiki Massage is a Natural Solution to Overcome Anxiety
- What is Distance Healing and How it Works
- Reiki Symbols and Their Meanings
- Why do Chakras Get Blocked?
1. What are the different hand positions in reiki?
In Reiki, hand positions means touching or positioning the hands in a certain way over the area of the Reiki session. These positions are designed to encourage the healing energy to flow toward the various organs and parts of the body. There is significant versatility in the areas where hands are placed: head, shoulders, chest, abdominal, and feet; however, it may differ from person to person.
2. Where are you touched in reiki?
In all cases during a Reiki session, the practitioner does not physically make contact with the client. In many such circumstances, the hands are raised just slightly above the surface of the body so that the energy can be transferred without touching it.
However, some positions may require a lite, gentle touch especially near areas such as the head, shoulders, or back in case the practitioner so wishes or if the recipient is uncomfortable with touching that area.
3. What is reiki healing hands?
Reiki healing hands are the hands of the practitioner through which energy is transferred to the other person. The hands are regarded as mechanisms for touch that channel healing energy believed to address flow imbalances physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The practitioner then simply serves as a vector for this healing energy to pass through and directly touch the recipient’s body.
4. What is reiki placement?
Reiki positioning is a term that refers to the areas of the body that a reiki practitioner allows his or her hands to rest on during a session. They are associated with the energy centers or chakras in the body and have their specific therapeutic effects. Reiki placement focuses on the areas of the body where blockages may have occurred and aims at restoring the energy field in the body.
5. How long do you hold reiki positions?
Hold Reiki positions are generally for 3 to 5 minutes but can be more or less based on the needs of the receiver and the focus of the session. The practitioner may already somehow infer the duration according to the energy that is experienced or according to the comfort of the client. It is possible to stay in some positions longer if the energy is incredibly powerful or if the subject needs more attention to that particular chakra.